Asked whether the nature of the Gclub betting game was everything in the online casino that we had. Playing together today, is there a cheat? Can answer that it has There is definitely a cheat. But it's not cheating like people cheat like the ones we played in the casino.
Like cheating hilo in the mango orchestra in the fields that cheat the dice, secretly wearing a magnet like that, no, it is already obsolete But cheating here means He uses the program He uses the computer Gclub
He uses a program written by the programmer that the casino hired to write to suck money on players like us. But asked if everyone cheated Can answer that not everyone who has played will be cheated by the program. Like an ancient word
Learning to tie, there must be a learning solution. The program is able to cheat us. We can cheat the program back. Not a sink, so there will be many rogue baccarat programs to look through, lots of things to come out for us to use like that, or so. Without we having nothing We don't have to be good at programming. How do you see